Monday, September 26, 2011

Fruit Gushers Rapper

Who needs trash. Will you find what your looking for if you are tossed were others are tossed? Let me tell you there are no fans of 3ed place. Witch is what I am. Not the close, or next best thing. I am that guys friend. Lets say they ask you what you would do different. Truth is I would lie, I would do that thing I do, when you look down at the keys and just type with out looking. Don't give a fuck about spell cheek. Of if that; is were the ; goes. If you got the right to, too. There their. Why? They say God hides, more that God is hidden. To question him is to state that he is there. So what the fuck is happening? Must be the wrong question b/c if it was the right question then they would not say God is hiding. So lets ask what the fuck is not happening? Flow about fruit gushers for one. So I got this one, tell me if you see anything.

Fruit Fuck Gush. ER ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

It is rap did you think it was going to be good? Well lets fix that part of you first before you try and tell me something is wrong. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The winning season

Comic-Con. If you don't know what that is piss off. No real stop reading this, and go poke your self in the eye. Anyone who is no one knows what Comic Con is. No I did not go, no I don't know anyone who did go. This like the rest of us is you. How much would you love to go right? Being a hopeless romantic, and top notch might I add. I have to give in to the fact that I am going next year, yes sir re bob. I started to save up now for the trip, I have a year. So lets hope for cancer b/c I look great with out hair to start and if i get a bug bite in Chemo then I can swing in. This is so I can't go, not to us a wish on b/c I am going to die. You see, I have no one to go with that is all, and to stop me I would need something as heart breaking as going solo. So the good news is, if you want to save a young man from cancer, the world from yet another person in tights and a your self from using up a wish. You can go with me. Yup we can have a winning season, it can start off not going and end with going. I know a year is a long time to wait to go on a fight date but what a date it will be. I am sure no one will read this for a few months so this gives people time to get over the hip, and look deep in said to find that little white guy with glasses. He is there and he real wants to go out with me. Hummm let me put that hopeless romantic style. There is a little white guy with glasses that wants to go out with you. Yup going to be a long year. Should save up for a hooker too I think or contacts.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gatorade up.

About 10 min before the raid. Well 8 now took 2 min for the title, witch is how it should be. Anime opening are about that long so i feel good about what i came up with. Was thinking to my self what people must go throw right before a fight. My 01 series dose not work like the rest, sure i try to eat. However i feel it would be best if i took a shit. I also use this time to think about bad ass things to say when i die or we kill "it". You would think i would be real good at holding my breath, but not real only like a min or less. It feels like less. Well was not a wast of time this time. Got my G on.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I love Chips before the internet guns.

As you can see from my time stamps i don't sleep much. Fing mind will not turn off, between anime, crowed cheering come back jokes for any kind of put down, tag lines from movies, lyrics, the never ending battle between good and evil that i play out in my D&D worlds, Inde movies have there own place, jokes, sex and what story to tell if ever a time would come were one would need to kill 5 min of there day waiting for something to happen next. It is like when you have to convert your .mkv files to .wmv so you can play them on your xbox. I E watching anime on your tv is way cooler then your pc. The rest of my time my brain is thinking up ways for people to know what I am talking about in one word enallage. You say potato I say, chips before the internet. Being a hopeless romantic and all I should tell you about things I love. Don't get me wrong i got called fag as a teen so I hate things too. I just love to hate them. Macy Gray and fucking Oprah come to mind just off hand. Last night i fixed the dryer, just the tail in the back that leads to belly button lent heaven. I E 3 trips to the hardware store. I can fix things I just don't know how, so I try the first time, break it a new. Then fix what I broke in turn fixing it as a whole or buying time so I have something to do next month. Ace Girl was there, I have been to this ace about 5 times this year, and she is there every time. I keep telling my self talk to her next time because face it the first few times I did not think there would be another. I got the line I am going to use. So here is hoping she is having a bad or muh day.

Is something wrong, (she answers yes) because Ace is the place I am sure I could find something around here to fix it. Blam!
So I rub my hands in a kung fu like way, in hopes that the next thing to break is some girls heart. Say it in your head it should sound batter I hope.

Urban Dictionary: Hopeless Romantic

I am in love with love. I believe in fairy tales and love. I am not to be confused as stalkers or creepy because that's not what a hopeless romantic is. This is key. I call here Lemon Aid Stand Girl. Sweet right, I know. First off dream girl was taken and it goes good with that line about life and lemons.  All hopeless romantics are idealists, the sentimental dreamers, the imaginative and the fanciful when you get to know them. I often live with rose colored glasses on. This is more true then I should tell you, i love sunglasses. Have them on all the time. This one Oct 31, dress up and some guy from the matrix I called shotgun. So now you know were I was in the car, and in that place I looked over at my friend and said and I quote. "Clint turn on your head lights buddy it is dark out." not even knowing I had my sunglasses on. True story. I make love look like an art form with all the romantic things they do for their special someone. This special someone had a name that started with a B, so I called her B, like Buffy. She liked the little things I did no real them dumb little things. So i broke up with her, I had a plan. Like most things it did not hold up to the the final boss battle. With no plan B for my B all hope was lost. No one told me this for for 5 years now I have been thinking that this is the break up in the movie right be for the big boom box out side the window part. Now that I can't remember what color her eyes are, or if she was right or left handed I am forced to come up with a plan B, this time there will be no chicken suit. This will be needed so the rest of the world will know what the fucking is going on, and or I am talking about. Level up time is over, I have the weapons I need. Wit and charm. I do not walk alone, i have odds and beer on my side. The next dice to roll will be that of love my friend, for it now must face me. Hold tight my friends, I don't have a girl friend and work in the day time so I have a lot of free time on my hands. Is real hard to get the last word in on a kick start with out some kind of tag line that puts the fear of god in your enemies and new found hope in your heart. So I will end it with a hopeless romantics greatest plan b of them all. The element of surprise "TACO JOHNS!". Am charging in by the way.