Friday, November 12, 2010

Urban Dictionary: Hopeless Romantic

I am in love with love. I believe in fairy tales and love. I am not to be confused as stalkers or creepy because that's not what a hopeless romantic is. This is key. I call here Lemon Aid Stand Girl. Sweet right, I know. First off dream girl was taken and it goes good with that line about life and lemons.  All hopeless romantics are idealists, the sentimental dreamers, the imaginative and the fanciful when you get to know them. I often live with rose colored glasses on. This is more true then I should tell you, i love sunglasses. Have them on all the time. This one Oct 31, dress up and some guy from the matrix I called shotgun. So now you know were I was in the car, and in that place I looked over at my friend and said and I quote. "Clint turn on your head lights buddy it is dark out." not even knowing I had my sunglasses on. True story. I make love look like an art form with all the romantic things they do for their special someone. This special someone had a name that started with a B, so I called her B, like Buffy. She liked the little things I did no real them dumb little things. So i broke up with her, I had a plan. Like most things it did not hold up to the the final boss battle. With no plan B for my B all hope was lost. No one told me this for for 5 years now I have been thinking that this is the break up in the movie right be for the big boom box out side the window part. Now that I can't remember what color her eyes are, or if she was right or left handed I am forced to come up with a plan B, this time there will be no chicken suit. This will be needed so the rest of the world will know what the fucking is going on, and or I am talking about. Level up time is over, I have the weapons I need. Wit and charm. I do not walk alone, i have odds and beer on my side. The next dice to roll will be that of love my friend, for it now must face me. Hold tight my friends, I don't have a girl friend and work in the day time so I have a lot of free time on my hands. Is real hard to get the last word in on a kick start with out some kind of tag line that puts the fear of god in your enemies and new found hope in your heart. So I will end it with a hopeless romantics greatest plan b of them all. The element of surprise "TACO JOHNS!". Am charging in by the way.

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